Intel 05-1662-005 Network Hardware User Manual

IP Gateway (Global Call) Demo Guide for Linux and Windows
DTMFmode = OutOfBand
CoderType = g711Mulaw
CoderFramesPerPkt = 30
CoderVAD = 0
CoderType = g711Mulaw
CoderFramesPerPkt = 30
CoderVAD = 0
CoderType = t38
Threshold = 20 # Threshold value
DebounceOn = 10000 # Threshold debounce ON
DebounceOff = 10000 # Threshold debounce OFF
Interval = 1000 # Threshold Time Interval (ms)
PercentSuccess = 60 # Threshold Success Percent
PercentFail = 40 # Threshold Fail Percent
Threshold = 60 # Threshold value
DebounceOn = 20000 # Threshold debounce ON
DebounceOff = 60000 # Threshold debounce OFF
Interval = 5000 # Threshold Time Interval (ms)
PercentSuccess = 60 # Threshold Success Percent
PercentFail = 40 # Threshold Fail Percent
# MediaAlarmResetAlarmState = 0
Display = GATEWAY_Chan1
IPT_UUI = User_to_User_1
UII = 12345
NonStdParm = NSP_Chan1
NonStdCmd = NSC_Chan1
ObjId = 2 16 840 1 113741
Q931Facility = facility 01
DTMF = 1
#values - 1 -to enable board regestration , 0 not enabling board regestration
enableRegestration = 0
board = 1-1
# time to live in seconds
TTL = 60
# possible values: h323, SIP, both
Protocol = h323
max_hops = 20