Intel FSB400 (PC2100) Computer Hardware User Manual

Page 4-15
Onboard I/O Chip Setup
Scroll to Onboard I/O Chip Setup and press <Enter>. The following screen appears:
Onboard FDC Controller
Select Enabled if your system has a floppy disk controller (FDC) installed on the
system board and you wish to use it. If you install add-in FDC or the system has
no floppy drive, select Disabled in this field.
Options: Enabled, Disabled.
Onboard Serial Port 1/2
Select an address and corresponding interrupt for the first and second serial ports.
Options: 3F8/IRQ4, 2E8/IRQ3, 3E8/IRQ4, 2F8/IRQ3, Disabled, Auto.
UART Mode Select
This filed allows the users to configure what IR mode the 2nd serial port should
use. The default is Normal.
Options: Normal, IrDA and ASKIR.
RxD, TxD Active
This field configures the receive and transmit signals generated from the IR port.
The default is Hi Lo (when UART Mode Select is not set to Normal).
Options: Hi Hi, Hi Lo, Lo Hi, and Lo Lo.
IR Transmission delay
This item allows you to enabled/disable IR transmission delay.
Options: Enabled, Disabled.
UR2 Duplex Mode
This item allows you to select IR half/full duplex function.
Options: Half, Full.