Intel MB896 Computer Hardware User Manual

MB896 Users Manual 9
Setting the Jumpers
Jumpers are used on MB896 to select various settings and features
according to your needs and applications. Contact your supplier if you
have doubts about the best configuration for your needs. The following
lists the connectors on MB896 and their respective functions.
Jumper Locations on MB896...........................................................10
JP2: Pentium M VccA Voltage Selection........................................11
JP3: LCD Panel Power Selection.....................................................11
JP4: Clear CMOS Setting.................................................................11
JP5: CompactFlash Slave/Master Selection....................................11
JP6: 1394 EPROM Write Selection................................................11
IMPORTANT NOTE: When the system boots without the CRT being
connected, there will be no image on screen when you insert the
CRT/VGA cable. To show the image on screen, the hotkey must be