Intel SBC-776 Computer Hardware User Manual

50 SBC-776 User Manual
- LBA (Logical Block Addressing): During drive access, the
IDE controller transforms the data address described by
sector, head, and cylinder number into a physical block address,
significantly improving data transfer rates. For drives with greater
than 1024 cylinders.
Drive A
Drive B
Select the correct specifications for the diskette drive(s) installed in
the computer.
None No diskette drive installed
360K, 5.25 in 5-1/4 inch PC-type standard drive;
360 kilobyte capacity
1.2M, 5.25 in 5-1/4 inch AT-type high-density
drive; 1.2 megabyte capacity
720K, 3.5 in 3-1/2 inch double-sided drive;
720 kilobyte capacity
1.44M, 3.5 in 3-1/2 inch double-sided drive;
1.44 mega byte capacity
2.88M, 3.5 in 3-1/2 inch double-sided drive;
2.88 mega byte capacity
Select the type of primary video subsystem in your computer. The
BIOS usually detects the correct video type automatically. The
BIOS supports a secondary video subsystem, but you do not select
it in Setup.
EGA/VGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter/Video Graphics Array.
For EGA, VGA, SEGA, SVGA, or PGA monitor adapters.
CGA 40 Color Graphics Adapter, power up in 40 column mode
CGA 80 Color Graphics Adapter, power up in 80 column mode
MONO Monochromoe adapter, includes high resolution
monochrome adapters