Intel SE400BX Computer Hardware User Manual

A Error Messages
BIOS Beep Codes
One long beep followed by several short beeps indicates a video problem.
Table 38. Beep Codes
Beeps Port 80h Code Explanation
1-2-2-3 16h BIOS ROM checksum
1-3-1-1 20h Test DRAM refresh
1-3-1-3 22h Test Keyboard Controller
1-3-3-1 28h Autosize DRAM
1-3-3-2 29h Initialize POST Memory Manager
1-3-3-3 2Ah Clear 512 KB base RAM
1-3-4-1 2Ch RAM failure on address line xxxx
1-3-4-3 2Eh RAM failure on data bits xxxx of low byte of memory bus
1-4-1-1 30h RAM failure on data bits xxxx of high byte of memory bus
2-1-2-2 45h POST device initialization
2-1-2-3 46h Check ROM copyright notice
2-2-3-1 58h Test for unexpected interrupts
2-2-4-1 5Ch Test RAM between 512 and 640 KB
1-2 98h Search for option ROMs. One long, two short beeps on checksum failure
BIOS Error Messages
Table 39. BIOS Error Messages
Error Message Explanation
Diskette drive A error Drive A is present but fails the POST diskette tests. Check that the drive
is defined with the proper diskette type in Setup and that the diskette drive
is installed correctly.
Extended RAM Failed at offset:
Extended memory not working or not configured properly at offset
Failing Bits:
The hexadecimal number
is a map of the bits at the RAM address
(System, Extended, or Shadow memory) that failed the memory test.
Each 1 in the map indicates a failed bit.