Intel SE72xx Computer Hardware User Manual

Appendix A. Acronyms and Glossary
Term Definition
Alerts LAN, Modem, or email notifications
ARSC Advanced Remote Server Control (KVM redirect)
BMC Baseboard Management Controller – found on the IMM
BYO/PCT Platform Confidence Test
CLI Command Line Interface
FAT File Allocation Table, FAT 16 is a DOS 6.22 file format. DOS 7.1
and Windows after Windows 98 use FAT32 or NTFS.
FRU Field Replaceable Units
GCM Advanced Module NIC (Generic Communication Module)
GUI Graphic User Interface
HSBP/HSC Hot Swap Back Plane or Hot Swap Controller
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS HTTP with SSL encryption.
IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface
IMM Intel Management Module (Professional and Advanced Edition
ISM Intel Server Manager
KVM ARSC, Keyboard/Video/Mouse redirection
LAN Local Area Network
NIC Network Interface Controller (LAN connection)
OOB Out of band
Paging Sending Alerts
Privilege Level User, Operator or Admin access levels
SCW Server Configuration Wizard
SDR Sensor Data Records
SMTP Simple Mai
l Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SOL Serial over LAN