Distributed in The Americas by:
Iomega Corporation
1821 West Iomega Way
Roy, Utah 84067, USA
Distributed Outside The Americas by:
Iomega International SA
Morgines Business Centre
12, Avenue des Morgines
1213 Geneva, Switzerland
• USB & PCMCIA model: Up to 0.9MB per
second transfer rate*
• Parallel Port model: Up to 0.8MB per
second transfer rate**
• Atapi model: Up to 2.4MB per second
transfer rate***
• One-year limited warranty on drive
• Five-year limited warranty on disks
• Uses genuine 250MB and
100MB**** Zip
PC users
• USB model: Pentium
100 or higher with
built-in USB controller (some USB
controllers or motherboards may not
support all types of USB devices)
• USB & PCMCIA model: Notebook with
available PCMCIA slot
• Parallel Port model: Pentium
or higher
• ATAPI model: Pentium
100 or higher
and available 3.5" or 5.25" drive bay
with front panel access; embedded IDE
interface or IDE controller card
• Microsoft
95 / 98 or
Windows NT
4.0 (service pack 3 or
higher; except the USB with PCMCIA
model) Atapi requires Windows
95b or
• USB model: Apple iMac
G3, G4 with built-in
USB connection, MacOS system 8.1 or
• Atapi model: PowerMacintosh
G3 (blue
and white only) and G4 with available
" or 5
" drive bay, MacOS 8.5 or
For Software Installation
• 2X CD-ROM drive
• 8MB of RAM to run software
• 30MB hard drive space recommended
Additional system requirements
to install and use Norton Zip
Rescue software (for PCs only):
• Windows 95 / 98
• 8MB of RAM to run software
• Floppy drive and floppy disk
Additional system requirements
to install and use RecordIt
• PC users: Pentium
100 or higher and
Windows 95 / 98
• Mac users: PowerMacintosh
with Mac OS 7.5 or higher
• 8X CD-ROM drive to record CD music
• 16MB of RAM to run software
• Industry standard sound card
drive will read
100MB disks up to 0.8MB per second transfer
rate. PCMCIA card sold seperately.
**250MB Parallel Port Zip
drive will read 100MB
disks up to 0.6MB per second transfer rate.
***250MB Atapi Zip
drive will read 100MB disks
up to 1.4MB per second transfer rate.
****250MB and 100MB capacity where 1MB = 1
mil-lion bytes. The capacity reported by your
operat-ing system may differ.
250MB Zip
• Internet downloads
• 300 to 1200 digital images
• Up to 250 minutes of MP3 audio
on a single 250MB Zip disk!
• And share information with co-workers,
clients, and service bureaus
• To 30 million Zip
drives sold worldwide
• An automatic backup of your important files
using Iomega
QuikSync software
• Copies of your best work
• An archive for all your files
(e-mail, client files,
pictures, audio and video clips)
What can you do with
drives and disks?
† It may be a criminal offense under applicable copyright laws to make unauthorized copies of copyright-
protected material, including computer programs, films, broadcasts, and non-original sound recordings.
This equipment should not be used for such purposes. Actual sound quality obtained with RecordIt®
software will depend on your CD-ROM drive, microphone, sound card and source used during recording.
Copyright © 1999 Iomega Corporation. The following trademarks of Iomega are registered in the U.S.
Patent and Trademarks Office and in other countries: Iomega, Zip, RecordIt, and the RecordIt logo. Some
other marks which may be registered in some countries are: The SuperFloppy Preferred by Millions, Zip
100, Zip 250, Zip 100 brand block, Zip 250 brand block, IomegaWare. Certain other product names, brand
names and company names may be trademarks or designations of their respective owners.
Besides creating new files, always
back up your work using Zip.
Iomega QuickSync is the easiest to
make an automatic and simultanous
back up of your important files.
Zip 250MB USB &
#30062 (Drive)
#30084 (PCMCIA Cable)
Zip 250MB
Parallel Port Drive
#30041 (UK)
Zip 250MB
Atapi Drive
If you need more disk space, carry lots of data, like to work at home or on
the road, or share files with partners, a Zip drive is an essential tool.
250MB Zip
disks are big enough to handle just about anything. Here are
just a few of the things you can do with your Zip
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