Juniper Networks M20 Network Router User Manual

One tricolor per port:
OffNot enabled
GreenOnline with no alarms or failures
AmberOnline with alarms for remote failures
RedActive with a local alarm; router has detected a failure
Alarm indication signal (AIS)
Bit error rate test (BERT) functionality on PIC (you can configure one DS3 channel in
BERT mode and configure the remaining channels to transmit and receive normal traffic)
Equipment failure (does not affect service)
Far-end block error (FEBE)
Frame error
Idle code, Idle received
Local and remote loopback
Loss of signal (LOS)
Out of frame (OOF)
Parity bit (P-bit) disagreements
Path parity error
Yellow alarm bit (X-bit) disagreements
Alarms, errors, and
DS3 PIC 37