JVC D-ILA Projector Remote Control Guide
Page 14 of 14
Infrared Control
It is also possible to control JVC D-ILA projectors via Infrared Remote Control Signal
Emulation, though is this sometimes slightly more difficult to achieve than RS-232C control
due to the differences in Infrared emulation methods between the various equipment
To send an Infrared command to the projector, the required format is 73, followed by the
ASCII value in hex of the command required. The ASCII values for all of the Remote Control
Emulation Commands are shown in right hand column of the Remote Control Emulation
Command tables on pages 4-6.
As an example, to send the Power On command, we would send: 73 05
It is unlikely that these raw commands will work with proprietary Infrared controllers and they
will have to be converted to the appropriate format before use. For the most common
Infrared control system, the Philips Pronto, the widely available free “MakeHex” program
should be able to convert the codes from this document into the “Long hex” format used by
Pronto and other similar systems. Full details of how to carry out the conversion are included
with the MakeHex program. When using MakeHex, you should set “Device=73” in the
MakeHex .irp input file.
Some controllers are able to create Infrared Commands from the hex Remote Control
Emulation Codes on pages 4-6. Where this is possible, it is a matter of personal preference
as to which of them should be used.
Document Version History:
Version Date Details
1.0 01/06/2009 First Version
1.1 21/09/2009 Added new codes for DLA-HD550/HD950/HD990/RS15/RS25/RS35.
Added RS-232C Interface Details.
Added additional Video Source Status Response.
Other minor corrections and amendments.
Produced by Gary Broadbent – JVC(UK)
V1.1 – 21/09/2009 –
© 2009 JVC
This document may be distributed freely as long as the author and copyright information remain intact.
Please email any corrections, suggestions or requests for more information for the attention of Gary Broadbent at: info@jvc.co.uk
This document may be updated from time to time. To download the most recent version, go to: