Off-Press Proof Application Data Sheet
Matchprint ProofPro 2610 Proofer with
DirectWorks Suite or Matchprint ProofPro RIP
The SWOP Review Committee has approved the use of off-press proofs as input material to publications. SWOP specifications recommend
that: “The appearance of an off-press proof used in this application must closely simulate a SWOP Certified Press Proof.” See other
explanations and recommendations as outlined on pages 21 and 47 of the 2001 Ninth Edition of the
SWOP Specifications for Web Offset Publications.
I. Manufacturer
Kodak Polychrome Graphics
401 Merritt 7
Norwalk, CT 06851
II. Product
Kodak Polychrome Graphics (KPG) Matchprint ProofPro Model 2610
III. Introduction
The history of Matchprint proofing products designed to meet the needs of the printing industry began in the 1960’s when proofing films
were introduced. Throughout this time, we have viewed color reproduction as a process rather than a series of independent events. We
base this on the premise that an advertiser's major commitment to expense and image is determined at the print production site. For this
reason, a Proof, when made to the following guidelines, is intended to simulate the characteristics of a production press operating within
the SWOP guidelines for production printing.
IV. Control Guide
SWOP specifies that a control guide such as a GATF/SWOP Proofing Bar be supplied on every off-press proof. As a minimum, this guide
should contain solids for the primary process colors and two-color overprints, as well as a 25%, 50%, and 75% tint in of each of the
process colors. A control guide containing these imaging characteristics must be present on every proof. All control guides should be
checked for accuracy of the original values. Use and interpretation of a control guide is the responsibility of the user.
V. System Components
For a KPG Matchprint ProofPro 2610 inkjet printer proof to be considered a "SWOP" proof, the following components must be used:
• Matchprint ProofPro RIP or DirectWorks Suite
• KPG Matchprint ProofPro 2610 inkjet printer
• Matchprint ProofPro Inkjet Media Publication/Dye
• X-Rite AutoScan Spectrophotometer DTP-41 or equivalent