Setting Abbreviated Dial Numbers - (continued)
5. Enter the name of the abbreviated dial number as required.
A name string that can be searched later is registered automatically if the name is
entered here.
If you want to change the string, go to Step 6.
The name can be up to 24 characters.
• For detail, see "Entering Names" (p. Appendix-3).
6. Enter a comment as required.
7. If you do not want to enter any more information for the cur-
rent dial number, press ENTRY and go to steps 11.
To configure the original settings or register the functions on the Fax Application
screen, go to steps 8 and 9.
To stop registering the abbreviated dial number, press BACK.
8. Press Original setting.
Set the functions as required.
or Quality, Density, RADF, Resolution and Verification Stamp, see Setting Transmission
Conditions (p. 6-10).
Setting Abbreviated
Di a l N umber s
Program Dial
Setting Dial
Setting Relayed
Setting the
Confidential Boxes
Setting the
Bulletin Board
Registering Internet
Fax Mail Address
Regis tering the
Internet Fax Subject
Registering the Internet
Fax Mail Message