Setting Relayed Transmission - (continued)
5. Enter the required information using the key pad.
• Enter the relay password (a 4-digit number) in Relay Tx P.W..
• Enter the dial group number (a 2-digit number) in Stn. Group No..
Enter the relay box number, 100-104, in Relay Rx Box No..
• If you designate the number of a relay box that has already been defined and press Relay
Tx P.W., its name will be indicated.
• If you press [CLEAR] or [STOP], the information you have entered will be deleted.
• To stop setting up, press BACK.
6. Press ENTRY.
The relay box is registered and the Relayed Rx registration list screen will be restored.
7. Press BACK.
The remote station registration screen will be restored.
8. Press BACK.
The FAX Basic screen will be restored.