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W W W . L A N T R O N I X . C O M
Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e
E D S 8 / 1 6 P S
Transmit (green) Blinking = EDS is transmitting data on the serial port.
Receive (yellow) Blinking = EDS is receiving data on the serial port.
Power (blue) ON = EDS is receiving power.
Diagnostic (yellow) Fast blink = initial startup (loading OS).
Slow blink (once per second) = operating system startup.
ON = unit has finished booting.
Speed (yellow) ON = EDS is connected to a 100 Mbps Fast
Ethernet network.
OFF = EDS is connected to a 10 Mbps Ethernet network.
Activity (green) Blink = EDS is sending data to or receiving data from the
Ethernet network.