Lenovo 10080 Personal Computer User Manual

User Guide
The following are general methods for cleaning the components:
• Youcanuseasoftclothtoremovedustonthesurfaceofthecomputer,the
monitor, the printer, the speakers and the mouse.
• Youcanuseavacuumcleanertocleaninotherwiseinaccessiblecorners.
• Tocleanthekeyboardthoroughly,shutdownthecomputerandscrubitgently
with a wet cloth. Do not use the keyboard until it is dry.
Do not do any of the following:
• Allowwatertoenterthecomputer.
• Useaheavilydampenedcloth.
• Spraywaterdirectlyontothesurfaceofthemonitororinsidethecomputer.
LCD monitor should be cleaned daily. Use a dry cloth to brush dust from the
monitor and keyboard every day. Keep all surfaces clean and free of grease stains.