The LED indicator will change depends on the PD status.
Green: It represents PD is connecting with the POE hub system and working
Yellow: It represents there is no PD connecting with the port.
RED: It represents PD’s power request is over the system support limit or the
cable is short.
Fault Status: display the PD error status message. There are three error status
and explain as following.
Null: It means there is no PD connected or the connected PD device status is
Overload: It means the current is over the PD current classification limited
(475mA @ 48V DC) that the situation happens over 50msec.
Mode Status: display the PD current operation mode status.
V sample or I sample: It means " Current sample or Voltage sample”.
When PD is detected and current is supplied, the POE hub will keep detecting
and sampling some current or voltage to ensure whether the PD still present
on this port. It is a IEEE 802.3af operating procedure.
R detect: When the port doesn’t connect with any PD, the POE hub will poll
each port and detects the resistor.
Figure 4-5. Port Specific Control interface