Using the printer menus
See also:
Using the Print and Hold function; Printing and deleting held jobs; Accessing held jobs
from the operator panel
Cancel Job
To cancel the current print job.
Note: Cancel Job is only displayed if the printer is processing a job or has a job in printer
See also:
Canceling a print job
Reset Printer
To reset the printer to the user default value for each menu item, delete all downloaded resources
(fonts, macros, and symbol sets) stored in printer memory (RAM), and delete all data in the interface
link buffer.
Note: Before selecting Reset Printer, exit the software application you are using.
Print All Jobs Prints all held jobs.
Print A Job Prints the specified held job. Press
Menu to scroll through the list of
held jobs. Press
Select to print the specific job.
Delete All Jobs Deletes all held jobs.
Delete A Job Deletes the designated held job. Press
Menu to scroll through the list
of held jobs. Press
Select to delete the job.
Copies Determines the number of copies for each held job. Press
Menu to
scroll through the list of held jobs. Press
Select to specify the job you
want to print. Press
Menu to increase or decrease the number of
copies, then press Select.