Figure 19.
Default Modes of Operation
There are two default modes of operation available with the MS9590 series.
1. In-Stand, Automatic Activation Mode
• The laser is activated upon object detection in the IR activation area.
• Bar code data is automatically decoded and transmitted.
2. Out-of-Stand, Manual Activation Mode
• The trigger (CodeGate) activates the laser.
• Bar code data is scanned and transmitted while the trigger is held down.
Scanning with the Manual Activation Mode
1. Aim the scanner at the bar code.
2. Pull and hold down the trigger to
turn on the laser, scan, and transmit
the bar code.
3. The scanner will beep and flash the
white LED once to indicate a
successful scan and transmission.
Smudges and dirt on the unit's window can interfere with the unit's performance.
If the window requires cleaning, use only a mild glass cleaner containing no
ammonia. When cleaning the window, spray the cleaner onto a lint free, non-
abrasive cleaning cloth then gently wipe the window clean.
If the unit's case requires cleaning, use a mild cleaning agent that does not
contain strong oxidizing chemicals. Strong cleaning agents may discolor or
damage the unit's exterior.