Microsoft FQC06913 Computer Accessories User Manual

Get to know the language of touch.
Swipe from right edge, tap Start.
Swipe from left edge.
Swipe from top edge all the way to the bottom.
Swipe from bottom edge or top edge.
Swipe from left edge, drag app to the right.*
Swipe from left edge, drag app to the left.*
Swipe from right edge.
Swipe from right edge, tap Search, then Files.
In an app, swipe from right edge, tap Search.
Swipe from right edge, tap Search.
Swipe from right edge, tap Share.
*Monitor must support a resolution of at least 1366 x 768.
Open Start screen or previous app
Switch to the next open app.
Close active app.
Reveal app commands.
Snap app right.
Snap app left.
Open charms.
Open Search charm on les.
Open Search charm on active app.
Search apps.
Open Share charm.