OM-316 Page 11
4-2. Duty Cycle Charts
A. For AC/DC Models
2 Minutes Welding 8 Minutes Resting
086 727 / 099 602-A
Duty Cycle is percentage of 10 minutes
that unit can weld at rated load without
Y 20% Duty Cycle at 225 Amperes. Ex-
ceeding duty cycle can damage unit
and void warranty.
B. For 220, 230/400, And 460 Volt Models
(300/200 Amperes)
A. For 115/230, 230, And 460 Volt Models
(225/150 Amperes*)
*These models have a 15% duty cycle when used with 50 Hz input power.
2 Minutes Welding 8 Minutes Resting
B. For AC Models
001 836-A / 099 603-A
Duty Cycle is percentage of 10 minutes
that unit can weld at rated load without
Y 20% Duty Cycle at 225 Amperes. Ex-
ceeding duty cycle can damage unit
and void warranty.
B. For 220, And 230/400 Volt Models
(300 Amperes)
A. For 115/230 And 230 Volt Models
(225 Amperes*)
*These models have a 15% duty cycle when used with 50 Hz input power.