Registration for Mplus students
To connect to Mplus, just type the following URL in your browser:
• If you have already been a user in the LMS (Learning Module System), just use the LOGON
NAME and the PASSWORD you know. If you do not remember your password (or it does not
work), please use the dialogue “password forgotten” to get a new one (see below).
• If you register for the first time, please register under Konica Minolta Business Solutions
Europe, The Netherlands Office.
You will have to fill out the form below. Your request will be automatically forwarded to the right
person, who will accept (or decline) it. In the background you will also be attached to the
appropriate point in the organizational tree. For easily getting a new password in case you forgot
yours, please, define your personal Question and Answer!
Please make sure that you choose the correct organizational unit. You will find your company
listed under your country.