Mitsubishi Electronics MAM-AM20 Modem User Manual

7.5.5 Activating/deactivating Modem Mode
In Modem Mode, a MAM operates like a normal modem and establishes connections with the
conventional AT command: “ATDT 0123456789”.
The MAM must, however, be switched beforehand from TiXML Mode to Modem Mode.
Activating Modem Mode
The following TiXML command can be used to switch the device to Modem Mode via COM1:
The device will send back the following acknowledgment:
Once thiscommand has beensent, theMAM willonly recognize ATcommands and willrespond
to these, for example, with OK.
Deactivating Modem Mode, activating TiXML Mode
If the device is in Modem Mode, it can be switched back to TiXML Mode using the following
AT command:
AT+T Mode="TiXMLMode"
Response from MAM:
Once this command has been sent, the MAM will only recognize TiXML commands and no
AT commands.
The MAM cannot send or receive messages if the red Modem Mode LED is lit. Alt-
hough the MAM will continue processing the tasks, message jobs cannot be execu
ted until the modem is free again and the Modem Mode LED is off.
NOTE AT commands are only processed by Mitsubishi Alarm Modems in Modem Mode.
TiXML commands are only recognized in TiXML Mode.
7.5.6 Sending commands to the MAM
Any terminal program, such as Windows Hyperterminal, can normally be used for entering and
transferring TiXML and AT commands.
The following COM port settings are recommended:
115.200 Bit/s and 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 Stop bit, Hardware Handshake)
Operating modes: Modem Mode and TiXML Mode Configuration and projects