Mitsubishi Electronics MAM-AM24 Modem User Manual

7.4.3 PIN OK, no network, MAM not logged in
The MAM cannot be logged in if there is no network reception available for the provider con
cerned, even if the PIN that has been entered in the project for the inserted SIM card is correct.
The Line LED will not flash and will remain off.
The LineLED will flashagain, if thereception quality issufficient, by usinga stronger antennafor
7.4.4 PIN incorrect, MAM not logged in
If the PIN that has been entered in the project for the inserted SIM is incorrect, the MAM will not
be abletolog in,and willindicate thisby causingthe Process,Line andMail-out LEDstoflash.
The same will happen if after initial commissioning or after a factory reset no project and there
fore no PIN is loaded onto the MAM.
Ensure thatavalid SIMcard wasinserted, thatit isseated correctlyand thePINused iscorrect.
7.4.5 SIM card disabled, entry of the SUPER PIN
If the PIN was entered incorrectly 3x,the SIM card will be disabled. The card can be unlocked
again by entering the SUPER PIN. To do this, insert the disabled SIM card into a mobile phone
and enter the SUPER PIN and PIN as described in the operating instructions. Once the mobile
phone has loggedin properly with the SIMcard, the unlocked SIMcard can then bereinserted in
the Mitsubishi Alarm Modem.
7.4.6 SIM Card Service Center
Additionally, use a mobile phone to check if the SMSC (Short Message Service Center) number
ist stored on the SIM card. If not so, sending SMS from the Mitsubishi Alarm Modem will not be
possible. In that case, contact your mobile service provider for details on how to store this num-
ber on the SIM card.
7.4.7 Caution in border regions: Logging in abroad
Like a mobile phone, the MAM also searches for the strongest mobile network provider in the
area. Inareas up to10 kilometers frominternational borders, this maybe aforeign mobile phone
provider. Considerably higher costs may be incurred if the MAM logs into one of these (roam
ing). Moreover, problems may also occur with the sending of SMS messages and e-mails. You
can preventthe logginginto“foreign” networks byallocating a“home network”to theSIMcard.
Operating the GSM Modem Configuration and projects