Moxa Technologies 1110 Network Cables User Manual

UPort 1110 and 1130 User’s Manual Installation and Configuration
Before modifying these settings, make sure that you have closed any applications that may be
accessing the COM port, such as HyperTerminal.
You may change the Port Number and enable or disable the Fast Flush function. For the UPort
1130, you may also select between RS-422, 2-wire RS-485, and 4-wire RS-485 modes. Please note
that Auto Enumerating COM Number and Set the change to all ports are not available for this
model of UPort.
The Fast Flush function is specifically designed to handle Win32 PurgeComm() function calls and
is enabled by default. When Fast Flush is enabled, the driver will automatically clear the local
buffer when it receives a PurgeComm() command. When Fast Flush is disabled, the driver will
repeatedly query the adaptor until it verifies that there is no more data in the buffer. Disabling this
function can cause lower throughput for applications that use PurgeComm() heavily.