Moxa Technologies EM-1240-LX Network Card User Manual

EM-1240-LX User’s Manual Configuring EM-1240-LX
<USER_PASSWORD>: Password for user account
To check if PPPOE is successfully connected, use the command:
y />ifconfig ppp0
How to Mount a Remote NFS Server
Currently, the EM-1240-LX only supports NFS (Network File System) clients. Users can open
NFS service on a Linux PC to enable the EM-1240-LX to push data to it. The EM-1240-LX can
use NFS to mount a remote disk as a local disk for data or log purposes.
1. First, the NFS server must open an export directory and allow access to the IP address. Edit
the file “/etc/exports” on your Linux PC, and then run the NFS daemon. The following
example gives one possibility (refer to the NFS-HOWTO document at
/home/usr (rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)
The EM-1240-LX must run the “portmap” utility. This program is enabled by default in the
“/etc/rc” file. Use the following command to mount the remote NFS server:
/>mount –t nfs <remote-ip>:<remote-export-directory> <local-directory>
Dynamic Driver Module Load/Unload
Besides supporting traditional static drivers, the EM-1240-LX also supports the dynamic driver
module load / unload mechanism. It allows user to load a special driver into the kernel to enable
hardware features for specific applications. To load / unload dynamic driver module, use the
following commands.
Load module:
/>insmod <module-directory>/<module file name>
For example, to load the UART driver, type the following command:
/>insmod /lib/modules/2.6.9-MoXaRt/kernel/drivers/char/mxser.ko
Show module list:
Unload module:
/>rmmod <module-name listed by lsmod command>
For example, to unload the UART driver, type the following command:
/>rmmod mxser
For the EM-1240-LX, the factory default is to load the UART driver “mxser.ko”. The additional
driver module to control SD/MMC memory card is loaded for the EM-1240-LX. Please see the
following information below to know the location and file name for these driver modules.