Embedded Computing Solutions
Software Specifications
Distribution: Debian Lenny 5.0
Kernel Version: 2.6.26
Protocol Stack: TCP, UDP, IPv4, SNMP V1, ICMP, ARP, HTTP,
CHAP, PAP, SSH 1.0/2.0, SSL, DHCP, NTP, NFS, Telnet, FTP, PPP,
File System: EXT2
System Utilities: bash, busybox, login, telnet, ftp, ssh, openbsd-
inetd, apt, apt-utils, dpkg, grub, udev
telnetd: telnet Server daemon
ftpd: FTP server daemon
sshd: secure shell server
Apache: web server daemon, supporting PHP and XML
OpenVPN: virtual private network service manager
iptables: Firewall service manager
NAT: Network Address Translation
pppd: dial in/out over serial port daemon & PPPoE
pppoe: PPP over ethernet
tftp/tftpd: Trivial le transfer protocol client/server
snmpd: snmpd agent daemon
usbmount: supports USB PnP
DHCP Client: dhcp3-client
cron: to manage regular background processing
grep: NU grep, egrep, and fgrep
minicom: friendly serial communication program
watchdog: software watchdog
inetd: TCP server manager program
Application Development Environment: GNU Make 3.8.1 (GNU make
utility to maintain groups of programs)
Automatic configuration script builder: autoconf 2.13
gcc: GNU C compiler
g++: GNU C++ compiler
libc6-dev: GNU C library (development libraries and headers)
Perl: Pratical Extraction and Report Language
Vim: Vi IMproved (enhanced vi editor)
Windows Embedded CE 6.0
Version: Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R2.
System Utilities: Windows command shell, telnet, ftp,
web-based administration manager
File System: FAT (on-board flash)
Protocol Stack: TCP, UDP, IPv4, SNMP V2, ICMP, IGMP, ARP,
Telnet Server: Allows remote administration through a standard
telnet client.
FTP Server: Used for transferring les to and from remote computer
systems over a network.
File Server: Enables clients to access les and other resources over
the network (Microsoft® Wincows® CE).
Web Server (httpd): Includes ASP, ISAPI Secure Socket Layer
support, SSL 2, SSL 3, and Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL 3.1)
public key-based protocols, and Web Administration ISAPI
Dial-up Networking Service: RAS client API and PPP, supporting
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and RAS scripting.
Watchdog Service: CPU Hardware function to reset CPU in a user
specied time interval (triggered by calling a MOXA library function).
Application Development Software:
• Moxa WinCE 6.0 SDK
• C Libraries and Run-times
• Component Services (COM and DCOM)
• Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework 3.5
• XML, including DOM, XQL, XPATH, XSLT, SAX, SAX2
• SOAP Toolkit Client
• Winsock 2.2
Windows XP Embedded
Version: Windows Embedded Standard 2009
System Utilities: Windows command shell, Telnet, ftp, web-based
administration manager, Wireless Zero Conguration
File System: NTFS
Protocol Stack: DHCP, IPv4, DNS, IPsec, HTTP, TCP, UDP, ICMP,
Telnet, FTP, SMTP, PPPoE, PPTP, NetBIOS, remote Desktop Protocol
Telnet Server: Allows users to connect to Telnet servers from remote
IIS Web Server: Allows you to create and manage Web sites.
Terminal Server: Microsoft Terminal Server client application
COM+ Services:
The next evolution of Microsoft Component Object
Model (COM) and Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).
Computer Browser Service: Computer browsing functionality
exposed by Windows through Microsoft Networking. Allows a client
machine to browse its network neighborhood for available computers
exposing le and print sharing services.
Internet Explorer 7: The Internet Explorer Web browser that allows
customers to connect to the Internet or to an intranet (see properties
via inetcpl.cpl)
Windows Media Player 11: Playback functionality for digital media
that includes videos, CDs, and DVDs for end users and developers.
Wi-Fi protected access 2: Enhances the Windows XP wireless client
software with support for the new Wi-Fi Alliance certication for
wireless security
Silverlight 1.1: A free runtime that powers rich application
experiences and delivers high quality, interactive video across
multiple platforms and browsers, using the .NET framework.
Disk Management Services: Support for disk and volume
management operations. The component implements a Component
Object Model (COM) interface that can be used to query and
congure disks and volumes, both basic and dynamic. The
component also monitors disk arrivals and removals and other
changes in the storage subsystem.
Remote Registry Service: Enables remote users to modify registry
settings on this computer.
Watchdog: A hardware function to reset CPU in a user specied time
interval (triggered by calling a MOXA library function).
Enhanced Write Filter: Redirect disk write operations to volatile
(RAM) or non-volatile (disk) storage