Multitech MTPSR1-202ST Server User Manual

17. Click on the Voice TEI field in Network Parameters.
Refer to your Voice TEI entry in the Network
Configuration section in Before You Start Loading Your
Software. If the Voice TEI is different, click on the
drop-down list arrow, then click on the selection that
matches the Voice TEI supplied by your ISDN service
(i.e., Disabled, Auto TEI, or zero to 63).
18. If your ISP or Remote Access Server (RAS) uses
Point-to-Point Protocol (ppp), click on the User Name
field in the Authentication group and enter your user
name. If SLIP protocol is used by your ISP or RAS,
authentication is provided in script form.
19. If your ISP or RAS uses Point-to-Point Protocol (ppp),
click on the Password field in the Authentication
group and enter your password. If SLIP protocol is
used by your ISP or RAS, authentication is provided in
script form.
20. Depending on your default configuration, the US
Parameters group or the Europe Parameters group
will be active.
If the US Parameters are active, enter the Data SPID
supplied by your local phone company and you re-
corded in Before You Start Loading Your Software.
If the Europe Parameters are active, enter the Data
ISDN number supplied by your local telephone com-
pany and you recorded in Before You Start Loading
Your Software.
21. If US Parameters are active, enter the Voice SPID.
If Europe Parameters are active, enter the Voice