Link Status Description
On Continuously lit Powered on.
Slow blink (-0.2Hz) Registered on network.
Turning the Device On or Off
This USB-powered device does not have a power button. Connecting the device to a computer's USB port turns it
on. Disconnecting it or shutting off the computer, turns it off.
Note: When reconnecting the device, use the same USB port that you used when installing drivers. Otherwise,
you may need to re-install the driver.
Power Draw
Radio Cellular Call Box Average Measured Peak TX Amplitude Total Inrush Charge
Protocol Connection No Data Current (Amps) at Current (Amps) Measured in
(Amps) Maximum Power Millicoulomb
5 Volts
US Cellular 0.046 0.576 0.636 1.16
US PCS 1900 0.036 0.592 0.648 1.16
■ Peak Tx: Peak current during CDMA.
■ Maximum Power: Continuous current during maximum data rate with the radio transmitter at
maximum power.
■ Inrush Charge: Total inrush charge at power on.
USB-D EV-DO MTD-EV3 User Guide 7