NEC uPD78056 Network Card User Manual

(c) Repeat transmission mode
In this mode, data stored in the buffer RAM is transmitted repeatedly.
Serial transfer is started by writing any data to serial I/O shift register 1 (SIO1) when 1 is set in bit 7 (CSIE1)
of the serial operating mode register 1 (CSIM1).
Unlike the basic transmission mode, after the last byte (data in address FAC0H) has been transmitted,
the interrupt request flag (CSIIF1) is not set, the value at the time when the transmission was started is
set in the automatic data transmit/receive address pointer (ADTP) again, and the buffer RAM contents
are transmitted again.
When a reception operation, busy control and strobe control are not performed, the P20/SI1, P23/STB
and P24/BUSY pins can be used as ordinary input/output ports.
The repeat transmission mode operation timing is shown in Figure 18-14, and the operation flowchart in
Figure 18-15. Figure 18-16 shows the operation of the buffer RAM when 6 bytes of data are transmitted
in the repeat transmission mode.
Figure 18-14. Repeat Transmission Mode Operation Timing
Caution Since, in the repeat transmission mode, a read is performed on the buffer RAM after the
transmission of one byte, the interval is included in the period up to the next transmission.
As the buffer RAM read is performed at the same time as CPU processing, the maximum
interval is dependent upon the CPU operation and the value of the automatic data
transmit/receive interval specify register (ADTI) (see (5) "Automatic data transmit/
receive interval").
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Interval Interval
D7 D6 D5