NETGEAR HA311 Network Card User Manual

This chart describes the information shown in the Status section of the dialog
Connect to Displays the association of the access point or other wireless node in ad-hoc
Shows the MAC address of the associated access point when the HA311
Wireless PCI Adapter is configured in infrastructure mode.
Network Mode Indicates the configuration mode used -- 802.11a ad-hoc mode, ad-hoc mode,
or infrastructure mode.
802.11a ad-hoc mode: the wireless nodes form their own local network
where the end nodes communicate peer-to-peer without an access point.
Ad-hoc mode: offers higher data throughput than 802.11a ad-hoc mode, but
does not use beaconing or authentication.
Infrastructure mode: the wireless node searches all available wireless
channels to associate with an access point. The default value for Network
mode is Infrastructure.
Shows the current channel and frequency in use. The wireless channel in use
will be between 36 and 64.
Transmit Rate Shows the current maximum transmit data rate of the wireless node. The
possible data rates supported are: 54 Mbps, 48 Mbps, 36 Mbps, 24 Mbps, 18
Mbps, 12 Mbps, 9 Mbps, and 6 Mbps. It can go up to 72 Mbps if the turbo
mode is enabled.
Receive Rate Shows the current receive data transfer rate of the wireless node.
Encryption Indicates if the WEP encryption is enabled or disabled.
Displays the signal strength of the radio frequency signal received by the
wireless node.
3. Click OK when you are done.
Congratulations, you have successfully installed NETGEAR’s HA311
Wireless PCI Adapter!