NETGEAR RT311 Network Router User Manual

Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
10-8 Configuring Filters
TCP Estab This field is dependent upon the IP Protocol field. This field is inactive (N/A) unless the
value in that field is 6 (TCP protocol). Determine what type of TCP packets to filter, from
the following two options:
Yes—Filter match only established TCP connections
No—Filter match both initial and established TCP connections (Default)
More Determine if you want to pass the packet through the next filter rule before an action is
taken. Two options are available for this field:
No (default)
If More is Yes, then Action Matched and Action Not Matched is N/A.
Log Determine if you want to log the results of packets attempting to pass the filter rule.
These results are displayed on the System Log (see “View Error Log”onpage 9-4).
Seven options are available for this field:
None—No packets are logged (default).
Action Matched—Only packets that match the rule parameters are logged.
Action Not Matched—Only packets that do not match the rule parameters are logged.
Both—All packets are logged.
Check Next Rule (default)
Action Matched
Action Not
If the conditions for the filter rule are not met, you can specify what to do with the
packet. There are three options for this field:
Check Next Rule (default)
Table 10-4. TCP/IP Filter Rule Fields (continued)
Field Descriptions