NETGEAR ReadyNAS 312 Network Router User Manual

Select your email account provider from the drop-down list:Email Account
Provider Gmail
Custom (requires you to manually complete fields under Advanced Options)
Enter the user name that is associated with the selected account provider.This information is
required only if the SMTP server requires authentication.
Enter the password that is associated with your email account.This information is required only
if the SMTP server requires authentication.
If you selected a recognized provider such as Gmail, AOL, or Yahoo as your email account
provider, the Advanced Options fields are automatically populated. If you selected Custom, you
must enter the Advanced Options fields manually.
Advanced Op-
Enter the address of the outgoing SMTP server.SMTP Server
Enter the port number for the outgoing SMTP server.
If no port number is entered, the default port number
is 25.
Enter a valid email address that identifies the sender
of the email alert.
Select this check box to use email encryption over
6. To determine if you configured the email settings correctly, click the Send Test Message button.
7. Click the Apply button under the Alerts heading.
Your changes are saved.
Alert Event Settings
The ReadyNAS automatically generates email alert messages when certain system events occur. You
can determine which optional system events generate alerts. NETGEAR recommends that you keep all
alerts enabled. However, if you are aware of a problem, you can disable an alert temporarily.
To manage alert event settings:
1. Select System > Settings > Alerts.
2. In the Alert Events section, select the check box next to each event that you want to generate an alert.
System Settings
ReadyNAS OS 6.2