NETGEAR ReadyNAS 314 Network Router User Manual

When configuring a shared Time Machine, you set up a specific user name and password. All users of
the shared Time Machine use this user name and password when connecting from Time Machine on the
Mac. All users of the shared Time Machine have equal access to all data in the shared Time Machine.
An account using a private Time Machine must exist on the ReadyNAS.You can configure an existing
ReadyNAS account to use a private Time Machine, or add the account directly in the Private Time
Machine section of the Time Machine window (Backup > Time Machine). The space for a private Time
Machine is part of the account's home folder and is invisible to other users of the ReadyNAS.
Back Up Your Mac Using a Shared Time Machine
You can use your ReadyNAS as the disk for Time Machine backups. ReadyNAS OS supports two different
types of Time Machine targets, a single Time Machine shared by several users, and Time Machines
private to an individual user. Use this procedure for a shared Time Machine.
Before performing these steps, verify that the AFP protocol is enabled on your ReadyNAS. Note that it is
enabled by default.
To back up data on your Mac to your ReadyNAS system using Time Machine:
1. Log in to your ReadyNAS.
2. On the local admin page for your ReadyNAS, select Backup > Time Machine.
3. If the Enable Shared Time Machine checkbox is not already selected, select it.
4. Change the default user name and password.
The default user name is ReadyNAS and the default password is the login password for the ReadyNAS.
You use these credentials later when connecting to the ReadyNAS from the Mac.
5. In the Capacity field, enter the maximum amount of space on your ReadyNAS storage system that
you want to devote to Time Machine backups.
Backup and Recovery
ReadyNAS OS 6.2