NETGEAR ReadyNAS 3220 Network Router User Manual

10. In the Name and Password fields, enter ReadyNAS or the shared Time Machine user and password
you created in step 4 on page 227
11. Click the Connect button.
Time Machine begins the backup, which can take several minutes to start.
Back Up Your Mac Using a Private Time Machine
You can use your ReadyNAS as the disk for Time Machine backups. ReadyNAS OS supports two different
types of Time Machine targets, a single Time Machine shared by several users, and Time Machines
private to individual users. Use this procedure for a Private Time Machine.
Before performing these steps, verify the AFP protocol is enabled on your ReadyNAS. Note that it is
enabled by default.
To back up your Mac:
1. Log in to your ReadyNAS.
2. On the local admin page for your ReadyNAS, select Backup > Time Machine.
Backup and Recovery
ReadyNAS OS 6.2