The LEDS indicate the status of your Powerline adapters.
• When you plug in the adapter, the Power LED lights up and
turns green.
• The adapter is not active when no Ethernet link has occurred for
more than 10 minutes. The adapter enters power saving mode,
and the Power LED turns amber.
• The Ethernet LED lights up when you connect a powered-on
Ethernet device to at least one Ethernet port.
• The Powerline LED turns on when the adapter detects at least
one other compatible Powerline device.
The Pick A Plug diagnostic feature lets you pick the electrical
outlet with the strongest throughput, indicated by the color
displayed by the Powerline LED:
- Green: Link rate > 80 Mbps (Best)
- Amber: Link rate > 50 and < 80 Mbps (Better)
- Red: Link rate < 50 Mbps (Good)