Frequently-used Commands
F - 4
DEFINE SERVER SOFTWARE “filename” SpeciÞes the name or path (TCP) of the software
download Þle. The Þlename can be up to 11
characters, and the pathname can be up to 26.
The Server will add a Ò.SYSÓ extension.
DEFINE SERVER SUBNET MASK ipmask SpeciÞes the subnet mask to be used for the
Server. The ipmask must be in n.n.n.n format.
HELP option <nothing> Displays a list of top-level (general) Help topics.
<keyword> Displays information about the keyword(s)
entered. Multiple keywords must be speciÞed in
the order they occur in a command.
DEFINE SERVICE “name” PORT num Creates a new service and associates it with the
speciÞed port.
“name” option
APPLETALK {EN|DIS} Toggles whether the named service can be used
to service networks running the speciÞed
protocol. RTEL applies to TCP/IP networks.
Table F-1: Frequently-used Server Commands, cont.
Command Option(s) Description