Menu functions
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■ Extras
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is
designed for simple calculations.
Select Menu > Extras > Calculator.
1. Press keys 0 to 9 to insert digits and # to insert a decimal
point. To change the sign of the entered number, press *.
2. Scroll up or down to highlight +, -, x, or /.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 if necessary.
4. To get the result, select Equals.
You can convert different measurement units.
Select Menu > Extras > Converter. To access your last five
conversions, select Last 5 conv. You can also select from the six
predefined unit categories.
You can add your own conversions with My conversions.
When doing a conversion, you may scroll up or down to swap the
positions of the units in the conversion.