Novatel Wireless MCD3000 Modem User Manual

WWhhyy ccaanntt II iinnssttaallll MMoobbiiLLiinnkk??
You might not have administrative privileges. Contact your system
administrator, if applicable, or log on to your computer as an adminis
trator and create a user account with administrator privileges.
WWhhyy ddoo II sseeee tthhee mmeessssaaggee NNoo ccaarrdd ddeetteecctteedd wwhheenn II rruunn
This can happen for any of the following reasons:
Your device is not inserted properly.
Exit MobiLink.
Remove your device from the ExpressCard slot, PCMCIA
slot, or the USB port.
Restart your computer
Restart MobiLink.
Insert your device into the ExpressCard slot, PCMCIA slot,
or USB port again.