WWhhyy ccaann’’tt II iinnssttaallll MMoobbiiLLiinnkk??
You might not have administrative privileges. Contact your system
administrator, if applicable, or log on to your computer as an adminis
trator and create a user account with administrator privileges.
WWhhyy ddoo II sseeee tthhee mmeessssaaggee ““NNoo ccaarrdd ddeetteecctteedd”” wwhheenn II rruunn
This can happen for any of the following reasons:
Your device is not inserted properly.
• Exit MobiLink.
• Remove your device from the ExpressCard slot, PCMCIA
slot, or the USB port.
• Restart your computer
Restart MobiLink.
• Insert your device into the ExpressCard slot, PCMCIA slot,
or USB port again.