Optoma Technology HD25LV Projector User Manual

User Controls
Each I/O has differ-
ent setting of “Edge
“Edge Mask” and
“Zoom” can’t work at
same time.
16:9 Screen 480i/p 576i/p 1080i/p 720p PC
4:3 1440 x 1080 center
16:9 1920 x 1080 center
1920 x 1440 center, then get the central 1920 x 1080
image to display
No resize image, 1:1 mapping and centered. This format
shows original image without scaling.
If this format is select, Screen type will auto become 16:9
If source is 4:3, auto resize to 1440 x1080
If source is 16:9 auto resize to 1920x1080
If source is 16:10 auto resize to 1920 x 1200 and cut
1920x1080 area to display
Scale to 2534 x 1426 (132% Enlarge ), then get the cen-
tral 1920x1080 image to display
Edge Mask
Edge mask the image to remove video encoding noise on the
edge of video source.
Press the ◄ to reduce the size of an image. `
Press the ► to magnify an image on the projection screen. `
Image Shift
Press ► into the next menu as below and then use ▲ or ▼or ◄
or ►to select item.
Image Shift
H: Press the ◄ ► to shift the projected image position hori- `
V: Press the ▲ ▼ to shift the projected image position verti- `
V Keystone
Press the ◄ or ► to adjust image distortion vertically and make a
squarer image.