Panasonic KX-NCP500 Network Hardware User Manual

For the equipment (e.g., Add-on Key Module, USB Module, Headset
) that can be connected to a
particular telephone, refer to the telephone's manual.
other equipment that can be connected to the PBX, refer to "1.1.2 System Connection Diagram".
The KX-T7090 headset can be connected to the KX-T7000, KX-T7200, KX-T7300, and KX-T7400 series telephones.
This PBX supports SIP Extensions. However, some PBX features may not be available for SIP Extensions,
depending on your telephone type.
Under power failure conditions, the connected telephones may not operate. Please ensure that a separate
telephone, not dependent on local power, is available for emergency use.
Prior to connection of this product, please verify that the intended operating environment is supported.
Satisfactory performance cannot be guaranteed for the following:
interoperability and compatibility with all devices and systems connected to this product
proper operation and compatibility with services provided by telecommunications companies over
connected networks
List of Abbreviations
APT ® Analog Proprietary Telephone
CA ® Communication Assistant
DPT ® Digital Proprietary Telephone
IP-PT ® IP Proprietary Telephone
PS ® Portable Station
PT ® Proprietary Telephone
SIP Extension ® Session Initiation Protocol Extension (SIP hardphones/SIP softphones)
SLT ® Single Line Telephone
Document Version 2011-10 Installation Manual 5
System Components