• For the equipment (e.g., Add-on Key Module, USB Module, Headset
) that can be connected to a
particular telephone, refer to the telephone's manual.
• For
other equipment that can be connected to the PBX, refer to "1.1.2 System Connection Diagram".
The KX-T7090 headset can be connected to the KX-T7000, KX-T7200, KX-T7300, and KX-T7400 series telephones.
• This PBX supports SIP Extensions. However, some PBX features may not be available for SIP Extensions,
depending on your telephone type.
• Under power failure conditions, the connected telephones may not operate. Please ensure that a separate
telephone, not dependent on local power, is available for emergency use.
• Prior to connection of this product, please verify that the intended operating environment is supported.
Satisfactory performance cannot be guaranteed for the following:
– interoperability and compatibility with all devices and systems connected to this product
– proper operation and compatibility with services provided by telecommunications companies over
connected networks
List of Abbreviations
• APT ® Analog Proprietary Telephone
• CA ® Communication Assistant
• DPT ® Digital Proprietary Telephone
• IP-PT ® IP Proprietary Telephone
• PS ® Portable Station
• PT ® Proprietary Telephone
• SIP Extension ® Session Initiation Protocol Extension (SIP hardphones/SIP softphones)
• SLT ® Single Line Telephone
Document Version 2011-10 Installation Manual 5
System Components