Panasonic MN1030 Laptop User Manual

Chapter 10 Writing Assembler Control Statements
Conditional Assembly 197
The assembled list file is shown below. Line number 11 assembles the statements for a match, and line
number 12 assembles the statements for a mismatch.
ifeq.lst Page 1
*** PanaX Series MN1030 Cross Assembler ***
Loc Object Line Source
1 compare macro data1, data2
2 #ifeq data1,data2
3 mov 0x01, D0
4 #else
5 mov 0x02, D0
6 #endif
7 endm
9 _TEXT section CODE, PUBLIC, 1
M10 compare abc, abc
10+ #ifeq abc, abc
00000000 8001 10+ mov 0x01, D0
10+ #else
10X mov 0x02, D0
10+ #endif
M11 compare abc, acb
11+ #ifeq abc, acb
11X mov 0x01, D0
11+ #else
00000002 8002 11+ mov 0x02, D0
11+ #endif