Paradyne and 3165-A4 Network Card User Manual

C. Configuration Options
3160-A2-GB24-10 March 2001
Com Rate: 9.6
Next 1.2 2.4 4.8 9.6 14.4 19.2 38.4 Prev
Communication Port Rate. Configures the bit rate for the communication port.
Sets the bit rate to 1200 bps (for asynchronous operation only).
Sets the bit rate to 2400 bps.
Sets the bit rate to 4800 bps.
Sets the bit rate to 9600 bps.
Sets the bit rate to 14,400 bps.
Sets the bit rate to 19,200 bps.
Sets the bit rate to 38,400 bps. This rate is not supported for carrier-mounted
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the communication port is configured
for synchronous operation and the clock source is external.
Char Length: 8
Next 7 8 Prev
Communication Port Character Length. Configures the character length (7 or 8 bits) for
the communication port.
This configuration option must be set to 8 if the communication port is used as the
network communication link.
This configuration option is not available if the communication port is configured for
synchronous operation.
CParity: None
Next None Even Odd Prev
Communication Port Parity. Configures the parity (none, even, or odd) for the
communication port.
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the communication port is configured
for synchronous operation.
CStop Bits: 1
Next 1 1.5 2 Prev
Communication Port Stop Bits. Configures the number of stop bits (1, 1.5, or 2) for the
communication port.
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the communication port is configured
for synchronous operation.
Ignore DTR: No
Next Yes No Prev
Communication Port Ignore DTR State. Specifies whether the DSU/CSU ignores the state
of the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) input to the communication port.
DTR is ignored.
DTR is not ignored.
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if the communication port is configured
for synchronous operation.
Table C-7. User Interface Configuration Options (6 of 11)