Patton electronic 3056 Network Card User Manual

Thank you for your purchase of this Patton Electronics product.
This product has been thoroughly inspected and tested and is
warranted for One Year parts and labor. If any questions arise during
installation or use of the unit, contact Patton Electronics Technical
Support at (301) 975-1007.
Multiplexes four, six or eight async RS-232 or RS-422 devices onto
two twisted pair, at distances to 6000 ft between muxes
Operates over 2 dedicated twisted pair wires
Sub-channels operate full duplex at rates up to 19,200 bps
Passes through end to end software flow control characters
Model 3054/AR and 3056/AR allow end-to-end
RTS/CTS flow control
Independent and variable data rates, start/stop bits, and other data
parameters for all sub-channels
Built-in loopback and line tests allow convenient troubleshooting
Front Panel LEDs show data activity and test status
The Patton Model 305X Series Short Range Multiplexer is two
devices in one: a time division multiplexer and a short range modem.
Operating full duplex over a two dedicated twisted pair wires, the Model
305X Series allows up to four, six, or eight serial RS-232 or RS-422
devices to share two twisted pair to communicate at distances up to
6000 feet.
Each of the Model 305X sub-channels can transmit data
simultaneously at data rates up to 19.2 kbps without the need for user
configuration. Additionally, each sub-channel can operate at a different
rate and with different asynchronous data format (word length,
start/stop bits, etc.)
The Model 305X Series features built-in local and remote
loopback tests that allow easy setup and configuration. Front panel
LEDs show data activity for each port as well as power and test
conditions. The 305X Series allow software flow control by passing
software commands unhindered through the units. In addition, Models
3054AR and 3056AR offer end-to-end RTS/CTS flow control.
Models 3054 and 3056 require no configuration. If you have
Models 3054 or 3056, proceed to Section 4.0 Installation. For most
applications, the Model 3058 also requires no configuration. However,
if you need to connect a Model 3058 to a Patton Model 358 on the
main (multiplexed) channel, you must modify an internal jumper strap
setting to make the two units compatible with each other. This section
shows how to set the jumper strap.
Models 3054/A, 3056/A and 3058/A can be configured to be
backward-compatible with the previous generation 8-channel
multiplexer--Patton Electronics Model 358. To make the 305X
backward-compatible on the main channel, you must remove the Model
358 Compatibility Jumper switch located on the top of the PC board
(see Figure 1, below).
Figure 2, below, shows the two possible settings of the Model 358
Compatibility jumper. The jumper settings are described in the table
following Figure 2.
Model 358 Compatibility
Jumper Position Compatibility Mode
Jumper strap in place Normal
(default setting)
Jumper strap removed Backwards Compatible with Model 358
Figure 1: Model 358 Compatibility Jumper
Figure 2: Model 358 Compatibility Jumper
Normal Mode
Model 358 Compatibility