PCAvionics pea-6005 Computer Hardware User Manual

PCA-6005 User’s Manual 98
mov ah, 0FBh ; Set counter unit (minute)
mov al, 00010000b
call Set_8705_Reg
mov ah, 0FCh ; Use GP67 (pin 85)
mov al, 37h
call Set_8705_Reg
mov ah, 0FDh ; Set time-out value
mov al, 5
call Set_8705_Reg
mov al, 6 ; Select game port function
call Select_Logic_Device
mov ah, 30h ; Enable game port function
mov al, 1
call Set_8705_Reg
mov ah, 60h ; Set game port address 201h
mov al, 02h
call Set_8705_Reg
mov ah, 61h
mov al, 01h
call Set_8705_Reg
call Lock_8705 ; Lock 8705
; To reset the watchdog timer before the interval expires
mov dx,201h