710 Installation and User’s Guide
In-Season Storage
WARNING — Do not allow swimmers in the pool while your pool cleaner is in the pool. Cable can trip or entangle
swimmers which could result in drowning.
Do not leave your cleaner in the pool when not in use. Doing so, will reduce the life of your Filter Bag and
cleaner. After removing your cleaner from the pool you should clean and re-install the Filter Bag. Then, rest
your cleaner on all four wheels in a dry, shaded area along with its Power Supply and properly coiled
Floating Cable.
Off-Season Storage
When the Pool Season is over, you should thoroughly clean the Filter Bag. Make sure that there is no water in
your cleaner. Completely untangle and then properly coil the Floating Cable. Your cleaner and Power Supply
should be stored in a dry, protected area away from freezing temperatures.