Operating and Installation Instructions
– While you are still on the ground and before mounting the rotator unit to
the support mast, temporarily connect the rotator unit to the control unit with
the control cable and perform the alignment (and basic system check) by follow-
ing Steps 2 and 5 and 8 below.
Step 1 - Rotator Unit Mounting
If not mounting the rotator unit inside a tower, attach the the rotator unit to
the support mast by loosening the nuts enough to slide the clamps over the
mast. Lower the rotator unit until the cast nose of the drive housing sits on top
of the suppor
t mast and tighten the nuts. Moderate tightening of the nuts with a
7/16” wrench will cause the teeth of the clamp to grip the mast securely. DO
NOT over-tighten to the point that you deform the mast, as this will reduce its
Mast Diameters of 1 1/4” to 2” (3-5cm) may be used.The 1 1/2” (3.8 cm) size
or larger is recommended for un-guyed mast over 6’ long or where large anten-
nas are used. If guy wires are used, fasten two through each of the two holes of
the lower clamp.
Step 2 - Rotator Unit (Rotator) Connection
Up to 280’ of 20 AWG 3 conductor cable may be used.For longer runs use heav-
ier gauge wire.To attach cable to rotator unit, open the bottom cover using a
screwdriver. Remove the grommet and insert the cable through the slot. Press
the grommet back into the slot. Separate leads 1 1/4” and strip off 1/2” insula-
tion. Find the silver (or wide jacketed lead) and connect it to terminal 1. Connect
the adjacent lead to terminal 2 and the next lead to terminal 3. If 4 wire cable is
used connect both wire 3 and 4 to terminal 3. Make sure there are no loose
strands which can short between terminals. Recheck the wiring order and then
ely close the bottom cover. To avoid moisture collecting in the cable, be
sure the jacket passes through the grommet.
Step 3 - Antenna Mast
Antennas should be mounted as close as possible to the r
otator unit.
1-1/4” – 1-1/2” mast to a length not exceeding that shown in the chart below
and mount the antenna at the top of the mast.
Be sure to attach transmission
line to antenna.
• Small - Up to 5’ (1.5M) Long 5’ (1.5M)
• Medium - Up to 8’ (2.4M) Long
3’ (0.9M)
• Large - Over to 8’ (2.4M) Long 2’ (0.6M)
• Large with braces See Note
wo antennas* 4’ (1.2M)
Operation and Installation
Fig. 1
Fig. 3