Powerware 9120 Power Supply User Manual

Powerware 9330
10–40 kVA
Features and Benefits
• Isolates connected equip-
ment from all incoming
power problems to provide
the highest degree of protec-
tion with online, double-con-
version technology
• Monitors battery health with
DC Expert Plus technology,
the most comprehensive bat-
tery management system in
the industry
• Delivers 7x24 availability with
Powerware Hot Sync
technology, a paralleling sys-
tem that allows you to con-
figure the UPS for additional
capacity and redundancy
• Displays critical information
with a large LCD screen and
intuitive status LEDs
• Provides complete UPS isola-
tion during service with a
maintenance bypass switch
• Conserves valuable floor
space with a compact
• Easily incorporates connec-
tivity products with an X-Slot
to integrate power manage-
ment into various environ-
ments and applications
• Increases system reliability
and ensures perfect output
power by using true pulse
width modulation (PWM)
to enable the Insulated
Gate Bipolar Transistors
(IGBT) to switch at their
highest capacity
• Comes standard with a one-
year ProActive Service Plan
for maximum uptime and
Typical Applications
• Server farms
• Networking gear
• Telecommunications
• Process control
• Internet service provid
• Medical equipment
• Clinical labs
Features and Benefits
• Provides flexible runtime
options for your application
• Delivers maximum uptime for
mission-critical systems by
including ProActive Service
Plan for the first year follow-
ing installation, including:
- One year of 7x24 corrective
- One year of 7x24 remote
monitoring service
- Annual performance check
and Power Protection Audit
- 7x24 technical support
• Isolates connected equipment
from all incoming power
problems to provide the
highest degree of protection
with online, double-conversion
• Maintains and monitors
battery health continuously,
dynamically updating informa-
tion on battery time remaining
• Integrates seamlessly with
generators by using an intel-
ligent input filter
Typical Applications
• Data centers
• Facilities
• Security operations
• Enterprise networks
• Server farms
• Telecommunications
• Internet service providers
• Diagnostic imaging
• Positron Emission
Tomagraphy (PET)
• HDTV station
100–160 kVA
Powerware 9315
30–750 kVA
Three-phase UPS Products
Powerware Product Catalog
Integrating all of Powerware’s award-winning technology, software,
and service capabilities into a single module, the Powerware 9330
sets the standard for availability. By incorporating many features
found only in UPS products at a higher kVA range, the Powerware
9330 offers the highest level of reliability of any UPS in its class.
The Powerware 9315 uses intelligent communication and paral-
lel configurations to provide maximum uptime. In addition, the
Powerware 9315 can be paralleled for both redundancy and capacity
using patented Powerware Hot Sync technology.