Front View Specifications:
There are two kinds of socket in this reader. The upper pon .. --- ,-
is for CompactFlash memory card and the lower pon is for -..,[0]"".",- J~~(::IJ[IJ
SmanMedia Card ~.; ~ 1 upstream ports
. Type B receptacle
Cover V."ew I/O P rts !!iff;![ CampactFlash Socket
0 ,",,'
LED Indicators 18 SmartMedia Socket
Located on the upper center side of the cover panel are Transfer ~- 12Mbps
two LED indicators:The left one LED (CF) flashing is for
E I i- CEFCCmason, .
accessing Compactflash pon; the right one LED ",",y
DI_ns~1i! N/A
(SM)flashing is for accessing SmanMedia pon. ,,~
IPo_""~ USB self power
~[it'-ll!lI:l;,: ~[;J[;J[~it~;i,[.jlil Weight 'f,i- N/A I
Envlronrnf4: Operating temperature:
ICF GREEN Indicating to accessing. OC-70C
" Storage temperature:
CompactFlash card
- ~iii -40C-70C
SM GREEN Indicating to accessing ", '.",¥XXX, Humidity: 90% RH (No
, '"YO""
SmanMedia card ""fX?' condensing)
",,~t8tlon Sys~:':1 IBM PC or Compatible:
"", ","",""'.,'.,
d 98/SE/ME/2000Installation "" "",'.;:?!,.n ows
-- IMAC or Power MAC
1. Connecting the USB cable of dual pon card reader into -~ OS 86-904 or later versions.
MAC or PC or extension USB Hub.
2 Installing the software driver into the PC or MAC
.,' i:,
3 4