Raritan Computer DKX216 Network Router User Manual

Network Configuration
Use the Setup menu to customize network configuration settings like IP Address and Ethernet
speed on your Dominion KX unit.
If you have a remote connection to KX Manager, you must reboot the unit after making
Network Configurations in order to activate the new settings.
Selecting to apply new Network settings will log out any users connected through the local
Important: Important: Before changing Network Configuration values, ensure
that there are no other active user connections to the device; all connections
will be dropped when the KX unit reboots.
1. On the Setup menu, click Configuration, and then click Network. The Network
Configuration window appears.
Figure 15 Network Configuration Window
The fields, as you read down the left side of the Network Configuration window, and then the
right, are as follows:
Manager name: Type a unique name for the device. The default name for a Dominion
KX unit is: “Dominion-KX” and for a KX101 unit is KX_KIM-<last five digits of
serial number>, for example, a KX101 with serial number S00002 would have a default
name of KX_KIM-00002. Remote users will see and use this name to identify this