Place a breakpoint at the call to InitialiseDisplay subroutine.
Breakpoints can only be set when the E8a is connected to the target and the module is downloaded. Breakpoints can be
set by double-clicking in the grey column containing the PC arrow next to the line to break at; or selecting the line and
pressing F9; or right click on the line and select ‘Toggle breakpoint’. Alternatively set an eventpoint, by double-clicking in
the column to the left of the breakpoint column. Up to 2 eventpoints can be set. Eventpoints do not require programming the
flash memory and so are faster to use.
Press ‘Reset Go’ on the debug toolbar.
The code will execute to the breakpoint. At this point all the device initialisation will have been completed.
The code window will show the new position of the program counter.
Insert a breakpoint on the call to the TimerADC subroutine.
Right click on the call to FlashLEDs subroutine
and select ‘Go To Cursor’ as illustrated.