3. The “Set LCD” button allows the text of the LCD on the RSK to be changed.
To demonstrate that the RSK can also instigate communications you can press a switch on the RSK and this will be indicated back to the
host resulting in a message being displayed on the dialog.
This demonstrates that data can be sent successfully between the RSK and the PC. A fixed sized format of data has been chosen for all
messages, one for OUT and one for IN:
IN Message: (RSK to PC)
Byte 1
Bit 0 = LED status.
Bit 1 = ADC value valid indicator.
Bit 2 = Switch pressed indicator.
Byte 2-5 = 32 bit, little endian ADC Value.
OUT Message: (PC to RSK)
Byte 1
Bit 0 = LED toggle request.
Bit 1 = ADC read request.
Bit 2 = LCD set request.
Byte 2-17 = 16 ASCII Characters for LCD.
An IN message is sent whenever a switch on the RSK is pressed.
An OUT message is sent whenever a user clicks on one of the dialog buttons.
The LibUSB application consists of the following files:-